Joyce Votes to Censure Congressman Jamaal Bowman

Dec 07, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) released the following statement on his vote to censure Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16):

“After pulling the fire alarm as House Democrats worked to delay votes on September 30, Jamaal Bowman was faced with multiple opportunities to diffuse the situation, including passing several Capitol police officers on his way out of Cannon. He chose not to alert them to the situation, showing a shameful disregard for public safety.

“As a former Middle School Principal and sitting Member of Congress, there is no excuse for this kind of behavior. When the House Ethics Committee convened on this matter, as is required following the indictment of a Member for criminal conduct, I was shocked and disappointed that a majority of the Members of this bipartisan committee did not agree to pursue any additional action or investigation.”

“Therefore, since we are not taking up this case on the House Ethics Committee following that decision, I deemed it appropriate to vote to censure Jamaal Bowman for his disgraceful actions.”

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