Joyce Successfully Amends Defense Bill to Reduce U.S. Military Dependence on Chinese Materials

Jul 15, 2022
National Security

NDAA also includes Joyce’s Military Family Violence Prevention Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23), which authorizes funding for members of our military and their families and helps to keep America safe. The legislation, which Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) voted for, included his amendment to eliminate the Armed Forces’ dependence on Chinese-made products and resources vital to our national security. It passed the House by a vote of 329-101. 

“Not only does this bipartisan bill provide for the defense of this great nation, but it fulfills our responsibility to reduce the military’s dependence on foreign sources for crucial materials,” said Joyce. “I worked hard to ensure this legislation included my amendment to protect our Armed Forces from being compromised by our excessive dependence on China and was proud to support it. I look forward to seeing it signed into law so that we can improve the quality of life for our servicemembers and their families, and ensure our military is properly resourced and equipped to defend our nation and our allies.”

Importantly, the FY23 NDAA also:

  • makes important investments to reverse President Biden’s proposed cuts to our national security;
  • provides a 4.6% pay raise and expands benefits for military spouses and families, and includes other benefit increases to offset inflation;
  • includes Joyce’s Military Family Violence Prevention Act which requires the Department of Defense (DoD) to improve efforts to prevent and respond to domestic violence and child abuse among military families;
  • invests in emerging technologies, such as AI, quantum computing, hypersonic weapons, and autonomous systems, to counter China and Russia’s rapid military modernization;
  • counteracts the damaging impacts record inflation is having on military readiness;
  • declares the border crisis a national security issue;
  • enhances Congressional oversight of DoD; and
  • saves the taxpayer over $6 billion by divesting hundreds of older and less capable ships, aircraft, and other legacy systems.


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