Joyce Joins Resolution Expressing Support for Israel

Oct 10, 2023

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) joined House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10) and 390 of their House colleagues in introducing a bipartisan resolution expressing support for Israel in light of the ongoing terrorist attacks led by Hamas. 

“The acts of terrorism unleashed upon Israel over the weekend are heinous and must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. This is a human tragedy beyond words,” said Congressman Joyce. “As Members of Congress, it is our responsibility to provide our ally with the resources it needs to defend itself, defeat Hamas, and combat any other group that continues to threaten peace in the region or the existence of the State of Israel. The U.S. will not stand for this antisemitic violence perpetrated against innocent civilians. I unequivocally stand with Israel.”

The resolution, which is supported by both the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, resolves that the House of Representatives, “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.” Since taking office in 2012, Congressman Joyce has been a leading advocate of increasing military aid to Israel, and has routinely used his position on the House Appropriations Committee to ensure that Congress fully funds the U.S.-Israel military foreign financing agreement. 

Read the full text of the resolution here.

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