Joyce Calls Out Pelosi for Ramming $3.5 Trillion Budget through the House with Procedural Tactics

Aug 24, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) released the below statement on S. Con. Res. 14, providing for budget allocations for the Committee on Appropriations. S. Con. Res. 14 was deemed passed during a procedural motion for two separate bills, H.R. 4 and Senate Amendment to H.R. 3684, preventing any U.S. Representative from recording a yes or no vote on the budget itself.

“What Speaker Pelosi has just rammed through the House – after smothering objections from her own party – isn’t really a budget. It’s a green light for a wildly wasteful reconciliation spending bill that will fuel inflation, send jobs overseas, and bankrupt future generations of Americans.

“Any budget agreement adopted by Congress at this point in time should tackle the rising inflation facing American families and our ever-growing national debt. But instead, my Democratic colleagues have decided to call for the highest sustained level of federal spending in American history.

“What’s worse is that they snuck it into a procedural vote, authorizing the federal government to spend 3.5 trillion taxpayer dollars without ever bringing the bill up for a standalone vote. Meanwhile American citizens remain trapped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan and illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to the highest level in 21 years. Speaker Pelosi needs to get her priorities straight and work across the aisle to address the multiple crises this nation and its people are grappling with.”

Overall, S. Con. Res. 14:

  • proposes $68 trillion in total spending over 10 years, which will drive up prices at a time when inflation is already skyrocketing;
  • raises taxes and costs on American families earning under $400,000;
  • pushes American jobs overseas and rewards China by taxing U.S. employers at one of the highest rates in the world;
  • drops military funding to the lowest levels, as a percentage of the economy, in over 80 years; and
  • provides a 0% increase for Homeland Security when the border crisis continues to rage. 


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