Joyce, Bonamici, Underwood, & Kiggans Relaunch Congressional Nursing Caucus

Jan 16, 2025
Health Care

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representatives Dave Joyce (OH-14), Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01), Jen Kiggans (VA-02), and Lauren Underwood (IL-14) announced the relaunch of the Congressional Nursing Caucus. Congressman Joyce and Congresswoman Bonamici will serve as caucus co-chairs, with Congresswomen Underwood and Kiggans serving as the two vice-chairs. The Congressional Nursing Caucus is a bipartisan group of legislators dedicated to advancing policies to support the nation’s 4.2 million registered nurses. 

The Congressional Nursing Caucus is made up of over 50 Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle. This Congress, the Caucus will work to help address the nation’s nursing shortage, bolster the workforce pipeline, and provide nurses with the resources and tools they need to serve the millions of patients who rely on them. As healthcare providers across professions continue to retire at record-setting rates, the leaders of the Congressional Nursing Caucus recognize the invaluable role that nurses will continue to play in ensuring Americans have access to high quality and affordable healthcare.

“America’s nurses are the lifeline of our nation’s healthcare system,” said Congressman Joyce. “As the husband of a nurse, I am especially proud to once again serve as the co-chair of the Congressional Nursing Caucus, working alongside a strong team of bipartisan leaders who are determined to help address the challenges facing America’s nursing workforce. At a time when our nation faces a nursing workforce shortage, we must come together to bolster the workforce and support our nurses.”

“Our health care system couldn’t function without the important work of nurses,” said Congresswoman Bonamici. “The care nurses provide for their patients every day is invaluable. But too many nurses in Oregon and across the country are facing unsustainable conditions at work because of a nursing workforce shortage, unsafe staffing levels, higher patient acuity, and other issues Congress can and should address. I am grateful to continue working with my colleagues as Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Nursing Caucus to advocate for the policies and resources nurses need to thrive.”

“As a geriatric nurse practitioner, I am proud to use my voice in Congress to advocate for my fellow nurses,” said Congresswoman Kiggans. “Nurses are invaluable members of our communities who truly understand what it means to serve others. As we face nursing shortages across the country, it is more important now than ever to ensure both nurses and nursing students have the support they need. I am proud to continue serving as vice chair of this important caucus and fighting for these amazing healthcare providers!”

“Nurses are leaders in our communities and deserve meaningful support at every stage of their education, training, and careers,” said Congresswoman Underwood. “As a registered nurse, I couldn’t be more excited to continue my advocacy for nurses and serve as vice chair of the Congressional Nursing Caucus. We must make robust investments to grow the nursing workforce and make sure that every nurse can practice to the full extent of their training and education. I look forward to working with my colleagues to support nurses as they provide high-quality clinical care, engage in policy advocacy, and lead in their communities in Illinois and across the country.” 

“The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) is extremely grateful for the champions and partners we have on Capitol Hill in the Congressional Nursing Caucus,” stated ACNM CEO Michelle Munroe, DNP, CNM, FACNM, FAAN. “The Caucus’ critical work to increase access to evidence-based nursing and midwifery care helps drive innovation and improve maternal health outcomes. We look forward to working with the Congressional Nursing Caucus in the 119th Congress to pass bipartisan legislation that continues to improve and strengthen the lives of the families and communities that nurses and midwives serve.”

“AACN applauds the return of the Congressional Nursing Caucus and their bipartisan work to address issues impacting nursing and the health of all Americans,” said Dr. Deborah TrautmanPresident and CEO of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. “We are delighted to see Congressman Dave Joyce and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici return as Co-Chairs and Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and Congresswoman Jen Kiggans, two of the nurses in Congress, return as Vice Co-Chairs. Their leadership and steadfast commitment to nursing education and research is critical, and we look forward to working with the Congressional Nursing Caucus in the 119th Congress as they support our nation’s schools of nursing, faculty, and students.” 

“Thank you to the Congressional Nursing Caucus for recognizing the vital role of nurses in delivering high-quality, patient-centered care,” said Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, President of the American Nurses Association.“The Caucus has been a crucial ally on Capitol Hill, advancing nursing priorities and offering solutions to ongoing challenges the profession faces. Special thanks to Co-Chairs Congressman Dave Joyce and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, and Vice Chairs Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and Congresswoman Jen Kiggans, for their leadership and support.”

“On behalf of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the over 385,000 nurse practitioners nationwide, I offer my appreciation to Representatives Dave Joyce, Suzanne Bonamici, Lauren Underwood, and Jen Kiggans for continuing the Congressional Nursing Caucus in the House of Representatives for the 119th Congress,” said AANP President Stephen A. Ferrara, DNP.  “Nurse practitioners are the provider of choice for millions of patients. It is essential that Congress advances policies that expand patient choice and remove barriers to accessing care. The Congressional Nursing Caucus plays a vital role in ensuring the voice of the nursing profession is heard in critical healthcare discussions and we look forward to working closely with the caucus to advocate for policies that empower NPs and enhance healthcare for all Americans.”

Janet Setnor, MSN, CRNA, Col (Ret), USAFR, NC, President of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology, said: “Nursing is among America’s most trusted professions, and the Congressional Nursing Caucus offers nurses an important voice in Congress. I am excited to work with the strong leadership team of the Congressional Nursing Caucus, support their goals of addressing the pressing concerns of the nursing profession, and look forward to helping them ensure patients have access to the safe, quality care that nurses provide.”


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