House Passes FY23 Defense Bill with Joyce Priorities

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) voted in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23), which authorizes funding for members of our military and their families and helps to keep America safe. The legislation, which authorizes $858 billion for national defense discretionary programs, now heads to the Senate for final consideration before becoming law. The FY23 NDAA, which was combined with parts of the Water Resources Development Act, contains several bills introduced by Joyce, including: 

“One of my greatest responsibilities in Congress is to support our troops and ensure America’s military readiness,” said Joyce. “This legislation accomplishes just that by fully funding America’s defense needs, countering our adversaries, and restoring personal freedoms to our courageous servicemembers. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to act quickly so that we have the strong military we need to protect our country against the growing threats facing our nation.”

In addition to Joyce’s three bills, the FY23 NDAA:

  • supports a 4.6% pay increase for servicemembers;
  • rescinds the COVID-19 vaccination mandate on all active and reserve component servicemembers;
  • increases the basic allowance for housing by 2% for servicemembers;
  • accelerates the development of hypersonic missiles and catch-up to Chinese and Russian programs;
  • reverses President Biden’s cuts to shipbuilding and authorizes the construction of 11 new battle force ships;
  • reaffirms U.S. support to the defense of Taiwan;
  • requires U.S. bases in Europe to adopt installation energy plans to reduce reliance on Russian energy and sets a goal of eliminating the use of Russian energy entirely;
  • expands access to mental health services and suicide prevention programs for servicemembers;
  • reduces Chinese influence over the military supply chain by including Joyce’s amendment to direct the DoD to find alternatives to purchasing Chinese-based rubber products;
  • reinforces that parents of children attending DoD schools have the right to review curriculum, instructional materials, and disciplinary policies;
  • authorizes $800 million for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative while requiring the DoD, State, and USAID Inspector Generals to regularly carry out comprehensive reviews and audits of assistance provided to Ukraine;
  • requires an assessment of nuclear strategy, policy, posture, and capabilities to ensure U.S. strategic deterrence in the near and long term;
  • prohibits DOD contractors from procuring Chinese made drones and improves our military’s understanding of Chinese companies and universities working with the Chinese military to better protect American innovation;
  • authorizes $15.5 billion for military construction and military family housing projects throughout the United States and around the world.


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