Joyce Statement on State of the Union Address

Feb 05, 2020
Economy & Jobs

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) released the following statement on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address:

“I was glad to hear the President speak to our nation’s successes tonight. It’s important to remember that as Americans, we have a lot more unifying us than dividing us. Right now, our nation is seeing its longest period of economic growth on record. Last year alone, annual nominal wages grew 3% for the first time in a decade, 2.8 million jobs were created, and theunemployment rate fell to a 50-year low. That should be celebrated across party lines.

“Across Ohio, families are seeing the benefits of our booming economy, whether it’s in the form of their child landing a summer job for the first time, a bonus they got at work that helped them buy that new car, or increased benefits that made their retirement savings more secure. That is something to be proud of no matter what side of the aisle you sit on. Like so many back home in Ohio, I’m ready for Congress to leave the pessimism and partisanship behind and focus on what matters to working families trying to achieve the American dream.”

Over the past four years, 107,000 jobs have been created in Ohio (including 16,000 manufacturing jobs), new business applications in Ohio have gone up 24%, 320 opportunity zones across the Buckeye State have attracted investment to previously forgotten communities, real median household income in Ohio increased 10%, and Ohio’s falling poverty rate has lifted 211,000 people out of poverty. 


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