Joyce Issues Statement on Electoral College Vote

Dec 15, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) issued the following statement regarding the Electoral College vote on December 14, 2020:

“Yesterday, as established by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution, the Electoral College cast their votes for the 46th President of the United States. While Ohio’s 18 electoral votes went to President Trump, when votes from all 50 states were compiled, Joe Biden was certified as President-elect with 306 votes.

“I know that the red versus blue tensions have run high since Election Day, but it is important to remember that the Constitution, for which I have sworn an oath to God to uphold, is far greater than any one candidate or political party. It is both our privilege and our responsibility to respect the will of our fellow Americans as we have done for more than 200 years. That is what has made our nation the greatest democracy in the world.

“I am proud that the election in Ohio was conducted in the same way that it has been for many years, where voters were able to cast ballots both by mail and in person without any delay or question of legitimacy. However, the alternative election processes implemented in other states due to the COVID-19 pandemic led to questions regarding the legality of certain ballots. As a former prosecutor, I am glad President Trump was afforded his legal right to address reports of irregularities and thank the courts forexpeditiously applying the law to the cases presented before them.

“I thank President Trump for his leadership the past four years, during which our nation saw record-low unemployment, brought our trade policies into the modern age and prioritized the American worker, reduced burdensome government regulations, reformed our nation’s outdated tax code, and achieved historic success with vaccine development. As we head into the 117th Congress, I look forward to continuing to fight for policies that put America first and revive the American dream for hardworking families in Ohio and across our country.”


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