Joyce, Fellow Problem Solvers Announce Support for Standalone Vaccine Distribution Package

Feb 05, 2021
Economy & Jobs
Health Care

WASHINGTON, D.C – Today, Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) and 57 of his fellow members of the Problem Solver’s Caucus called for an immediate vote on a standalone, $160 billion “Defeating COVID-19” vaccine distribution package. 

The “Defeating COVID-19” vaccine distribution package would allocate new funds for the national distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as support expanded testing programs, PPE purchases, and relief for hospitals. The package mirrors the vaccine proposal within the plan numerous Republican Senators presented to President Biden on Tuesday and is aligned with the “Direct COVID Pandemic Response” portion of the President’s American Rescue Plan.

“It’s become increasingly clear that the number one need right now in the battle against COVID-19 is vaccine distribution,” said Joyce. “We must act quickly to address this need – the lives and livelihoods of the American people are at stake. By increasing federal funding for vaccine distribution, testing and relief for hospitals, we can provide more vaccinations, defeat this virus, get our kids back in school, and safely reignite our economy. I call on the Biden Administration and my fellow colleagues in Congress to work together and immediately pass this package so that we can prioritize the health of the American people and restore our way of life.” 

Specifically, the $160 billion “Defeating COVID-19” package includes:

  • $20 billion for the National Vaccine Program in partnership with states, Tribes, and territories
  • $50 billion for a massive expansion of testing
  • $30 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund
  • $5 billion for the Defense Production Act Title III
  • $5 billion for PPE for first responders, independent physician offices, and dentists
  • $15 billion for rebuilding and restocking the National Strategic Stockpile
  • $35 billion for the provider Relief Fund with 20% set aside for rural hospitals



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