Joyce Chairs Budget and Oversight Hearing with D.C. Mayor Bowser, Local Officials
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Tuesday, House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) Chairman Dave Joyce (OH-14) questioned District of Columbia (D.C.) Mayor Muriel Bowser, D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, and D.C. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Glen Lee on D.C.’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget request. It has been nearly 15 years since the D.C. Mayor has testified before the subcommittee and 16 years since the Chair of the Council or the CFO has testified.
Watch the full hearing here.
Congressman Joyce on non-citizens voting in D.C. elections: “We have included a provision to prohibit the city from allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. There is nothing more vital to the continuance of our democracy than free and fair elections. As such, the right to vote is – and must continue to be – reserved for U.S. citizens – and U.S. citizens only. Such a provision should not even be necessary, but unfortunately, due to the city’s actions to allow and promote non-citizen voting, it is.”
Congressman Joyce on D.C. telework policy: “It has been a shared goal of many on this Committee, and I trust all the witnesses here today, to get our federal employees back to the office and ensure we are not throwing taxpayer dollars away by continuing to pay for unused space in federal buildings in D.C. These telework policies have impacted our government in many ways, but they have had a particularly acute impact on the safety and economic stability of D.C.”